
market contract中文什么意思

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  • 市场合约
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  1. In contrast to market contract or centralization , strategic alliance possesses of special advantage
  2. Market contract is basically merchandise on hand so the enterprise lacks real control of the chances and the resources in the future
  3. Moreover , the paper introduces and develops the existing market contract theory . proposing another executive thoughtfulness for saoc and state - owned enterprise
  4. After reviewing the contractual nature theory of the firm , this paper draws a conclusion that the difference between the firm contracts and market contracts is that the former is relational contract
  5. The paper views that we should set up market contract by market competitions and organize state - owned enterprise by this way . the core in the property right is market . ,


        market:    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 ...
        contract:    vt.,vi. 1.收缩,紧缩;(使)皱起。 2.(使) ...
        contract market:    合同市场
        trade market license contract:    商标许可合同
        a contract:    打一份合同
        contract:    n. 1.契约,合同。 2.婚约。 3.承包(合约)。 4.【法律】契约法。 5.【牌戏】定约,合约桥牌。 6.〔主英方〕月(季)票。 7.〔美国〕工作,事情。 8.〔美俚〕小恩小惠,贿赂。 It's a bit of a contract. 〔美国〕这是相当难的工作。 a bare contract 无条件契约。 a simple [parole] contract誓约。 a verbal [oral] contract口头约定。 be built by contract包工建造。 draw up a contract拟定合同。 contract drawing 承包施工图。 contract system 承包制。 contract work 包工。 make [enter into] a contract with 与…订约。 put out to contract 包出去,给人承包。 vt. 1.订(约),立(合同);约定。 2.订婚〔通例用被动语态〕,把…许配给 (to)。 3.结交(朋友等)。 4.招,患(病),染(恶习)。 5.负债。 contracted a bad cold 得了重伤风。 be contracted to 是…的未婚夫[妻]。 contract an alliance (with) 结盟。 contract a marriage with 与…订婚。 contract friendship with 与…交朋友。 contract oneself out of 订立契约免除…,照契约不必…。 vi. 订约;订婚;承包。 contracting parties 订约双方当事人。 High Contracting Parties [powers] 缔约国。 contract for labour and material 包工包料。 vt.,vi. 1.收缩,紧缩;(使)皱起。 2.(使)缩短;(使)缩小。 3.【语法】缩略,缩约。 contract one's brows 皱拢眉头。 contracting muscles 收缩肌。
        contract in:    保证承担义务
        contract with:    承包
        not in contract:    不属本工程; 不在合同中; 非契约范围; 未订合同
        on a contract:    在一份合同上面面
        on contract:    按合约方式
        the contract:    合同; 卖身契; 魔鬼契约; 死亡契约; 天才女杀手
        at market:    按市值; 市价法
        at the market:    按市场价执行所指令; 第9章在市场上; 在市场里; 照 市价; 照市价
        at-the-market:    按市价
        be on the market:    被供应出售
        in a market:    在市场上出售
        in the market:    在街上,还未买; 在市场上
        in the market for:    想买,积极物色; 要买或卖
        in this market:    在本地市场
        market:    n. 1.(尤指牲畜和食品的)集市;市场;菜市,菜场。 2.需要,销路;推销地区。 3.市价;行情,市面,市况。 4.〔美国〕食品店;〔英国〕【法律】公共市场设置权。 a cotton [stock] market棉花[股票]市场。 There is no market for that class of goods here. 那一类货物这里不需要[无销路]。 The market rose [fell] 行情俏拔[疲落]。 a sick market萧条的市面。 a swimming market 兴旺的市面。 The market is dull. 市面呆滞。 at the market照市价。 be on the long side of the market把持物品或证券以待涨价时出卖;做多头,买进期货。 bring one's eggs [hogs, goods] to the wrong [a bad] market失策,失算,失误。 bring to market= put [place] on the market出售。 bull the market(多头)大量抢购,买涨,哄买。 come into the market上市。 corner the market囤积居奇,大量买进股票[商品]使价格上涨。 engross [forestall] the market垄断市场。 feed to market 为出售而养肥(家畜等)。 find a market 找着销路。 go badly to market买[卖]吃亏。 go to market 上市场买东西;〔口语〕筹办,企图。 hold the market 垄断市场,囤积居奇。 in market 在买卖中。 in the market拿去卖;正要出售。 in the market for (某人)想买,要买。 lose one's market放过(买卖)良机。 make a market【股票】在交易所中故意买卖某企业股票,制造兴旺气象;煽动市面。 make a [one's] market of 利用,利用…赚钱,把…当做摇钱树。 make one's market 出售存货。 mar another's [one's] market搞垮别人[自己]买卖。 mend one's market改进买卖情况。 overrun one's market 因不肯脱手失去出售时机。 overstand one's market 讨价过高失去出售良机。 play the market 〔美国〕做投机买卖。 raid the market 〔口语〕使行情发生波动。 raise the market upon 〔口语〕向…要高价。 rig the market 〔口语〕操纵市场;捣乱市价。 vi. 在市场买卖,作买卖,卖,买。 vt. 在市场上出售;把…拿到市场去卖。
        no market:    无销路
        no market for:    货不通过; 货不通行, 无销路
        on the market:    表示场所或地点; 在市场上
        to market:    去市场; 上市场


  1. market conditions 什么意思
  2. market confusion 什么意思
  3. market consultant 什么意思
  4. market consultation 什么意思
  5. market contestability 什么意思
  6. market control 什么意思
  7. market control commission 什么意思
  8. market corner 什么意思
  9. market costs 什么意思
  10. market counselor 什么意思


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